Saturday, January 3, 2015


Hello everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Before I get back into my normal beauty and fashion blogs I thought I would post my New Year's goals. Along with my goals are some tips and tricks to stay motivated during the new year. Lets get into it.. 

For me the most important thing when starting a new year is to STAY POSITIVE! This is extremely important in any aspect of your life. My grandmother always tells me that whatever you put out to the universe is what you'll get in return. I think about that quote every morning when I wake up. Its so important to keep a healthy state of mind when starting any new adventure.

LOVE YOURSELF - I cant stress how important this is! I wish I would have truly believed this when I was younger because it would have made life way easier. I was always trying to impress other people. Life is way to short for you to worry about what other people think. Do whatever you want! As long as you love what your doing and who you are, nothing else matters. Be true to yourself and whatever you set your mind to, you can do! Just believe in yourself and love yourself no matter what!

Of course like 90% of the world everyone wants to EAT HEALTHIER. This doesn't mean you have to cut everything out and go on an extreme diet to achieve your goal. For me, its cutting fatty foods out of my diet and eating more meals throughout the day. Its important to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks in between! One tip I would give when trying to eat heathier is to eat heathier portion sizes! Heres a link to a healthy portion size

This is probably my favorite goal of 2015! I do not drink enough water at all! Drinking water will make so many differences in your life. Not only does it help when trying to loose weight. It also helps with your mental state of mind. Water is truly an amazing source that's free! Start your day off right by drinking a glass of water right when you wake up and add those glasses of water in throughout your day! A little tip I love is drinking ice cold water whenever I'm eating. The cold water is harder to digest and helps you loose weight. Water also helps to trick your stomach that you're full. Most of the time, your stomach thinks its hungry when really its just thirsty. Try drinking water when you get those cravings!

- This is a huge goal for me as well as my boyfriend for 2015. I know that everyone always says they want to be in better shape in the new year but we actually mean it! Do something active everyday! This doesn't mean you have to go for a run or do 100 sit ups. It just means, going for a walk around the block or even doing 5 jumping jacks, 5 squats, etc. Start off slow and work your way up! You don't want to push your body to the extreme.  As long as your making little steps each day, great! Even if your in bed and its 11pm you can still get a quick workout 10 sit ups while in bed. Just remember, stay motivated! No one can change you, except you!

Well... those are my New Years resolutions and I'm sure they are very similar to many others. Just remember that you need to stay motivated! This life is the only one you have so make it worth while!  Just keep all of my steps in mind when focusing of your own goals. Stay away from any stressful situations because stress is the number 1 cause of any sickness. Believe in yourself and you'll do wonders! You'll be surprised at how much you can truly accomplish when you have a positive outlook on life. I hope my goals and tips help you to have the best year of your life!

xoxo alicia

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